Carer Voice Network
Through our extensive carer engagement work, we know Carers want to be seen, heard and included. This network aims to provide a platform from which carers hold a strong and active voice to influence and co-produce their local service and challenge system leaders to create change for carers in everything they do.
Have you ever thought, ‘I think that service could be improved if they did x, y and z’? Have you wanted to express your views but unsure where and how to get your voice heard and with effect? If you have these feelings, we would love for you to join our Carer Voice Network.
Here at Carers Support, we put carers at the heart of all we do, and by sharing your ideas and insights, you can help create positive change for carers.

What is the Carer Voice Network?
This group provides an opportunity for carers to be seen, heard and included. We want to bring together a group of carers who are keen to voice their opinions about a range of topics. There will be different roles to play, depending on your preference and your participation is completely voluntary.
Our Carer Voice Members use their lived experience to help in a variety of
ways, such as:
- Surveys, focus or steering groups
- Taking part in research
- Carer representatives or committee/panel members
- Media requests (video or print)
- Reviewing materials and data.
Our Carer Voice Members generally do not help with:
- Market research projects
- Projects with private sector companies
- Research projects below master’s level
- Projects originating outside of the UK.
How does the Network run?
- We ask you to complete our ‘getting to know you’ survey, which helps us filter through your preferences and interests, to ensure we only share relevant opportunities.
- Opportunities are then emailed to you as an when they come up, and we fully brief you on what you can expect if you decide to get
involved. - This includes making clear what level of reimbursement we offer as a thank you for your time, in line with our Carer Co Production Principles and Reward and Recognition Procedure
What do you get from joining this Network?
In becoming a member, you have the knowledge you are helping:
- To influence and shape the future of Carers Support.
- Us to reach more people who do not yet recognise themselves as carers.
- To make a difference to carers support in a way that is easy for you.
- Us to move closer in achieving our vision: to bring the day forward
when unpaid carers are seen, heard, and included.
Who can get involved?
Anyone who is a registered carer with Carers Support West Sussex can enrol as a member of the Carer Voice Network. You can also choose to leave at any time, if you change your mind, there is no obligation to remain a member. We just ask for you to let us know of your decision, so we do not contact you about the group.
How can you get involved?
Please email info@carerssupport.org.uk with subject line ‘Carer Voice Network’ and a member of our team will be in touch.
"Be The Voice"
'Be The Voice' Self-Guide for Carers
Being seen, heard, and included is about being able to have your own needs listened to, as well as speaking up for the person you care for.
Co-designed with carers from our Carer Voice Network, our ‘Be the Voice’ guide has been put together to help you communicate your needs with professionals at meetings, or when you are being asked to represent the voice of carers as a collective (i.e., part of a forum or county wide consultation).
The downloadable guide covers the basics of how to speak up and includes helpful tips and examples on what to do before, during and after a meeting.