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Frequently Asked Questions

We are delighted that we have been successful in our bid to continue to provide carers support, information, advice, and guidance for the next five years for and with WSCC. This is great news, however there will be some changes. It is a matter of public record that the financial envelope for carers has reduced by 10% plus the we have requirements and changes in the contract that have led to some reallocation of monies. From April 2024, our core contract has changed, meaning that there will be changes to the services we provide.

We've put together a directory of our most frequently asked questions for carers and professionals to help you answer how these changes may affect you

Carer FAQs

We will continue to run groups both on-line and in-person.

We do regularly review our groups to ensure they are meeting the needs of carers and not duplicating other services and ensure that carers are consulted about any changes and they are communicated with group members.

To find out about upcoming groups you can visit our events calendar and also opt into our monthly events newsletter.

There are some changes to the new contract which means changes for our teams and it is possible that the person you spoke to previously, or who ran the group will not be available.

Yes, our Helpline will continue to be available Monday-Friday 9am-4pm and on Wednesday evenings until 7pm and Saturday mornings 

10am – 12 noon.

Carers Support West Sussex continues to be a trusted provider and the Carers Health and Wellbeing Grant will be available to eligible carers through a conversation with our assessment team. From time to time, we may also receive additional funding to support carers in Hardship, which will be identified as appropriate during our conversations with you as a carer.

From the 1st April we begin a new contract with the Local Authority which requires us, through an assessment, to demonstrate a carer’s needs in relation to any funded support. This includes Direct Payments which may be available as a result of a Statutory Carer Assessment, and a Carer Health and Wellbeing Grant and equipment funding which may be available now as a result of a Preventative Assessment.

As part of both assessments, we are required to consider a carer’s own resources and community support that could meet their needs, before considering if funded support is necessary. This ensures publicly funded monies are allocated to those most in need.

From time-to-time, carers find themselves at a loss as to what would help them in their caring situation, and for some, small items of equipment can make a significant difference. On our website you will find a brochure of equipment that may provide a solution for your caring role.

Most items are low cost, and you can easily find them by looking at the websites provided where you will be able to purchase them directly. If, as part of our conversations with you, we identify that along with other identified needs, a piece of equipment would support you, we will seek to support you through referral to our Carer Assessment Team for a more in-depth conversation

If you wish to speak with someone, our Helpline is available on Wednesday evenings until 7pm and Saturday mornings 10am – 12 noon.

We also run several groups outside normal working hours.  To find out about upcoming groups you can visit our events calendar and also opt into our monthly events newsletter.

We are continually developing our online resources for carers who are unable or who do not wish to talk to a member of the team. Our Carers Smart Search is a good place to start.

As part of the changes required by the new contract, Carers Support will no longer be providing counselling.

Some carers may be able to obtain some financial support to access counselling if that is identified as a service which will support a carer with their caring role and where cost is a barrier. This would be accessed through a Carers Assessment or Preventative Assessment.

We will continue to signpost or refer into local counselling services and will offer carers emotional support through our other services.

We will continue to work in the community and are working closely with partner organisations to, in due course, establish more local carer “hubs” where you will be able to drop in and talk to us in person or make an appointment at a suitable time.

Our Wellbeing Workers will continue to be present at hospitals across the County supporting carers where they or the person they care for has been admitted.

If you are a carer who is supporting another adult then you can access a Carers Assessment through Carers Support. Find out more.

Professionals FAQs

Yes, the best way to refer a carer is to complete our online referral form.

You can sign up to our Professional newsletter (scroll to the end of the page) , or visit the service page to find out more details about individual services and events page,  for groups/events available. 

Carers Support will continue to undertake Statutory Carer Assessments for carers who have needs arising from supporting another adult. If you are WSCC ASC staff, the best way to refer a carer for an assessment is via an Initial Contact form on Mosaic. If you don't have Mosaic access, then please use our online referral form.

Referrals for carers requiring registration with CSWS and access to general carers support, information, advice and guidance should be made via our online referral form.

Yes, the best way to refer a carer is to complete our online referral form. Alternatively, you can encourage the carer to self-refer (i.e. contact carers support themselves) using the online registration form or by calling us on 0300 028 8888

Due to the changes required in the new contract, our teams are going through change and individuals may be settling into new teams, so regarding requests for partnership work, we ask for patience while this happens.

Partnership work is very important to Carers Support to ensure carers needs are best met by the right people. We welcome opportunities so please do continue to contact us.

Why register with us?

See what registered Carers have to say about their experiences with Carers Support West Sussex

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