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Mental Health Week 2023

This week (15th-21st May) is Mental Health Awareness Week, and this year’s theme is “Anxiety”. The Mental Health Foundation chose this theme because anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems we can face.

Anxiety is an emotion that at some point, we all experience, but sometimes it can get worse and becomes a mental health problem. A lot of things can lead to feelings of anxiety like big life events or when we think about money for example.

In a recent mental health survey carried out by the Mental Health Foundation around stress, anxiety and hopelessness over personal finances, 34% of participants identified that they had experienced anxiety because of financial worries.

On the positive side, there are ways to make anxiety easier to manage, we’ve gathered a few for you below:

Mental Health Foundation: What can we do to cope with feelings of anxiety?

Concerned about money? Talk to Citizens Advice

Practical helpful tools and support can be found on the Get Self Help website.


Feel free to contact our Mental Health Carer Lead for any further information and onward referrals to our partner organisations.