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International Day of Happiness Blog

Every year, March 20th is known as the UN International Day of Happiness, coordinated by Action for Happiness.  

This year, theme is “Happier Together –  to remind us that lasting happiness comes from feeling connected to others and being part of something bigger.” If you’re looking to connect with other carers who understand your trials and tribulations, take a look at our carer groups (both online and face to face). 

Top 5 Tips to live happier: 

  1. Smile – this might sound silly but the action of smiling causes the brain to release dopamine, which makes us happier. Maybe start out each morning by giving yourself a smile in the mirror. 
  1. Exercise – it is well known that a little bit of exercise can do wonders for your mental health, even the smallest bit can help like a walk around the block every night after dinner or 5 minutes of stretching when you first wake up. 
  1. Give a compliment – performing acts of kindness can make you happier. Giving a sincere compliment is a great way at brightening someone’s day while also giving a little boost to your own happiness. You can also compliment yourself, when you’re doing your morning routine why not look in the mirror and give your self a compliment! 
  1. Keep a journal – this is a great way to organise your thoughts, a place to write down the good and the bad moments. Writing down the negative could help relieve some stress and put a problem into perspective and writing down the positive is a great thing to read back later. 
  1. Take care of yourself – your physical and mental health are closely linked. If you look after yourself by eating well, getting some exercise and socialising as well as finding moments to just relax and have a moment to yourself you’ll find yourself becoming happier.