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Learning Disability Week 2023 – Fred | Carers Support

This Learning Disability Week 2023, carer Fred would like to encourage other carers to join in with local peer support opportunities.

Fred, 72, is a joint carer with his wife and together they look after and care for their son Paul, 37, living with Autism and a learning disability.

Paul is supported by a Personal Assistant, who has been working with him for 15 years now. Pauls’ PA supports him to attend a day centre, where he receives 2:1 support. It’s important to Fred and his wife that Paul is kept engaged in local social opportunities, and whilst it can be difficult at times to co-ordinate things, all involved in the care of Paul work together to ensure that he can stay at home.

As a carer, Fred values opportunities to connect with other carers, whether this is by joining our Carer Wellbeing Walks, Carer Groups in person, or the Online Carer Group meetings. Fred feels less alone when he is in a group listening to everyone else. He has built a small support system with other carers that he has met on the walks. And this Learning Disability Week, he would like to encourage other carers in a similar situation to also join in with these opportunities when they can, as he explains:

“There is support out there and I have crossed paths with other carers in similar situations. I have found that Carers Support understand our situation as carers and offer personalised support. I can’t always attend in person, so join in with the online Carer Groups, and it feels good to talk as we can share problems and let off steam. It is good to meet other carers as its not nice struggling on your own”

Fred also recognises that as a carer it can be hard to recognise when you need support “…there is support available, but sometimes the hardest part is recognising when you need it. For example, I am sociable and like to meet new people and help where and if I can, but my wife isn’t like that at all. She is more reserved and not one for joining in, but I do share any helpful tips with her, when I can.”

For more information about local Carer Walks and Carer Group meetings, please visit:…. and our dedicated Learning Disability webpage:….