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Carers leave act 2023

Carers Leave Act 2023

Do you need to take time off work to fulfil your caring role?

Are you working full or part time whilst looking after a friend or family member? Have you been worried about taking time off work to fulfil caring duties, such as doctor appointments, which usually can only happen during the week? Well, the Carer’s Leave Act 2023 is due to come into force from April 2024. This Act will give you the right, as a carer, to take unpaid leave to enable you to continue with your caring role.

The key points of this new law include:

  • Introducing a new and flexible entitlement to one week’s unpaid leave per year for employees who are providing or arranging care for a relative or dependant.
  • This right will be available from the first day of their employment.
  • Allow employees to take the leave flexibly for planned and foreseen caring commitments.
  • Will offer the same employment protection to employees taking this leave that are associated with other forms of family related leave, meaning they will be protected from dismissal or any detriment because of having taken time off.

This Act will also change the way employers need to think about their employees with caring responsibilities and introduce support for carers. (Source: Are you ready? Guide from Carers UK).

If you would like to know more about the Carers Leave Act and how it will impact you, find out more here Carers UK.